How to avoid hacker attacks You must know

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Hacker attack is one of the most common crimes today. Considering that almost all activities are completely online, the threat of hacking accounts by hackers is a scary thing. How do you avoid being attacked by hackers? You can take action to prevent hackers from entering your HP Android device, Smartphone, laptop or computer by following tips and tricks to secure your account.

How to avoid hacker attacks You must know

Many people now have taken advantage of the many popular social media and apps. Whether as a support for activities or just entertainment. However, this is where the hackers started their attacks. You must know how to avoid hackers on Facebook , Instagram, Email, downloading and installing certain applications or even when surfing a site on the Internet.

The way hackers hijack accounts is often unexpected and without us knowing it. This clever and clever way of working to make money that is not good, should not be underestimated. Protect the security of your cellphone and all your devices, by securing applications that could potentially be exposed to viruses or malware hackers. 

In the following, we will discuss some ways and tips as a reminder to protect your electronic device from any interference and hacker attacks that might occur, let's see.

How to avoid hacker attacks You must know

1. Pay Attention to Passwords

The password or password that you use on your social media accounts is very important. Its function, of course, is to protect and secure your account from other people from being misused. For that, choose and use a strong and unique password. With a difficult password, it will be more difficult for other people to break into your account.

Also, make sure not to provide a password for untrusted url addresses or sites. It would be better to always use official sites such as when opening emails, Google search engines and so on. Don't tell others your password, Google also never asks for passwords or other important information.

2. Do not use the "remember password" feature

Often when we enter a password for a social media account, email and so on on a new device, a notification “Remember password” or “remember password” will appear. This feature actually makes it easier for users not to enter a password again when entering certain online services. But you know, hackers can use this to take away your security holes.

3. Change passwords regularly

In this sophisticated era, billions of devices can be connected to one another. Various threats to the security of your information are everywhere. The password you use can be cracked. To avoid this, you will need to change passwords regularly. Using one password for a long time is more vulnerable to hackers.

4. Two-factor authentication

Everyone is now using internet services. So before using the internet service on a device, remember to activate the security feature, namely two-factor authentication. To surf the internet wisely is to do your best to keep your account and device safe. Now, using this one security feature will prevent hacking on the internet.

5. Avoid using pirated applications

Pirated applications that we often encounter on the internet are very vulnerable to virus attacks. Hackers usually use this pirated application as a bridge to commit their crimes. Where the software or application has been inserted by a malicious script that has the potential to retrieve or steal data from the user. 

Therefore, to protect your device, it is better not to download or install apps carelessly. Moreover, the source is unknown and downloaded from outside the official Google Play store or apps store.

6. Use trusted antivirus software

When a virus or malware starts infecting a device it is often unnoticed. For that, you are advised to use the best antivirus program or application that will identify or check for possible viruses that enter your device. The virus itself can enter and retrieve personal data in many ways such as infiltration through programs. Immediately noticing a suspicious program, you can immediately delete it.

7. Use public wifi wisely

Now many public places have used wifi as a facility or service needed by the community. However, do you know that irresponsible actors also use this facility to hack your account. For that, protect your device wisely using public wifi. Don't use public wifi too often, also pay attention to where you use wifi.

8. Lock screen and applications

If the device you are using stores a lot of data and it is very important for you, make sure you also use the screen lock facility with a password not a PIN. Don't use a smart lock. Now there is security using fingerprints or faces, but hackers can be smarter by copying your fingerprints on the glass or objects you are using or tricking the camera by showing your photos.

9. See app reviews before downloading

In addition to avoiding downloading applications on untrusted or pirated sites, it is also important to see application reviews before downloading even in the official application. This is because the developers may change or add new policies at any time. For example, the Evernote application makes improvements by accessing all user notes. This can be an objection for some people.

10. Always update

To secure your device from hacker attacks, the next step that needs to be done is to update the firmware and applications to the latest versions. Indeed, this process will consume internet quota too, but be aware that this update is very important to patch the security of your device account.

The description above is the latest information that states how to successfully secure your account from hacker attacks that can easily infect anyone if they are not vigilant and careful. Especially when you are using a vulnerable application, try to implement ways to avoid hacker attacks on fb, ig, wa and so on. 

You may be wondering how a hacker can hack and hijack your account? There are various ways a crime can be committed. Sometimes hacking will threaten to spread important data from hacked accounts. It is very important to concern you and all of us. Let's continue to be vigilant and hope it is useful.